No, The Bible Doesn’t Command We “Stand With Israel”
When reporting or lamenting over the gross human rights violations and genocide by the modern state of Israel against the Palestinian people, many Christians immediately
When reporting or lamenting over the gross human rights violations and genocide by the modern state of Israel against the Palestinian people, many Christians immediately
It’s Christmas! Listen to whatever puts you in the mood. But may we at least be thoughtful consumers of concepts and ideas— and let’s not forget that we can answer most of the questions asked by one of the season’s most popular songs.
Christians continue to suffer under Israeli oppression– and continue to wonder why we don’t care.
Writing X for Christ isn’t anything new– it’s actually one of the oldest Christian traditions.
I’ve reviewed every prophecy on the Antichrist, and what I read blew my mind. (Updated with new signs, 6/10/2020)
Is the Gospel of Jesus truly “good news” for everyone? I used to think so, until now.
It’s time for the Church to universally affirm women in leadership, and here’s why.
We all know what people like John Piper think about women preaching and teaching the Bible from a church pulpit: That kind of thing is
When a variety of evangelical arguments failed to morally justify support for Donald Trump in the past presidential election, their argument ultimately boiled down to this:
Ken Ham and his followers may think they’re defending Christianity and ensuring that our faith will be passed along to future generations, but the reality
Often when I’ve stumbled into a discussion about rape-culture, whether it be a general discussion or on a more specific sub-issue within that (including things such
Is the Great Tribulation getting ready to kick off this weekend? Are we about to plunge into seven years of global chaos where all those
Jesus claimed that natural disasters and war would be signs that the time for the destruction of the temple, not the end of the world, was close.
I believe that Christianity is a religion founded upon the life, teachings, and example of Jesus of Nazareth. Any version of Christianity that is built
I have a serious and honest question for my friends on the Religious Right, because what you told me recently has left me confused as to
Did the genocide of the Canaanites happen? Here are a few facts Christians should know.
I am a Christian. I grew up in Sunday School memorizing Bible stories as the teacher illustrated and taught each one on an old green
Conservative Christians seem to have a lot of opinions about Islam and our Muslim neighbors. Those opinions are often grossly misinformed at best. I’ve met
We live in a world that is sadly marked by violence and terrorism. It seems like very few days go by, if any at all,
I am a follower of Jesus of Nazareth, which naturally means I am a Christian Pacifist. I refuse to use violence against my enemies or
Does being a good and faithful Christian result in good health, along life, having an abundance of possessions, and material wealth?
Christian universalism is a solidly biblical and reasonable belief.
Last night many of us went to bed hearing the news that the United States has more formally entered the ongoing conflict in Syria by
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BLC is an author, speaker, scholar, and global traveler, who holds graduate degrees in Theology & Intercultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and received his doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller. He is the author of Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus, and Unafraid: Moving Beyond Fear-Based Faith.
BLC is a cultural anthropologist, public theologian, writer, speaker, global traveler, and tattoo collector. He is a two-time graduate of Gordon-Conwell with graduate degrees in Theology & Intercultural Studies, and went on to receive his doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller. He is the author of Unafraid: Moving Beyond Fear-Based Faith, and Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus. In addition to his blog, Formerly Fundie, his work has been regularly featured by a wide array of media outlets such as TIME magazine and CNN, among others.
BLC is a cultural anthropologist, public theologian, writer, speaker, global traveler, and tattoo collector. He is a two-time graduate of Gordon-Conwell with graduate degrees in Theology & Intercultural Studies, and went on to receive his doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller. He is the author of Unafraid: Moving Beyond Fear-Based Faith, and Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus. In addition to his blog, Formerly Fundie, his work has been regularly featured by a wide array of media outlets such as TIME magazine and CNN, among others.