Picture of Benjamin L. Corey

Benjamin L. Corey

BLC is an author, speaker, scholar, and global traveler, who holds graduate degrees in Theology & Intercultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and received his doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller. He is the author of Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus, and Unafraid: Moving Beyond Fear-Based Faith.

Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical Predictions:

I've reviewed every prophecy on the Antichrist, and what I read blew my mind. (Updated with new signs, 6/10/2020)

Does the Bible predict the future with stunning accuracy as so many in the end-times camp have claimed?

I grew up in the rapture-me-outta-here end times movement, and have spilled no shortage of ink critiquing it– even poking a bit of fun at it. As a theologian I fall into a category of belief that sees biblical prophecies about “the end” as being events that have mostly been fulfilled in the past, but I try to hold that belief gently and recognize I could be wrong.

Many of my fellow Christians in America have warned me over the years of exactly that, often telling me: “I feel sorry for you, because when the Antichrist comes you’re not even going to recognize him!”

To honor those who have given me such warning, I decided to spend the past week studying the most significant biblical prophecies and descriptions typically believed by my conservative friends to refer the Antichrist. If my evangelical friends are correct, and if it’s entirely possible that the Antichrist is on the global scene today, I certainly wouldn’t want to be the only person in the room who didn’t recognize the Antichrist when I saw him.

In case you too are a bit rusty in the area of biblical predictions about the coming Antichrist and don’t want to be oblivious if such a person were to arise, consider me your chief antichristologist who is more than happy to help you out.

Here are the no-kidding-not-satire-prophecies and signs of the antichrist the Bible tells us to watch out for… and that blew my mind by the time I was done:

The Antichrist will be the leader of a nation that is a military superpower with the ability to trample and crush the entire earth.

 “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.”
Daniel. 7:23

This verse helps us start by narrowing down the nations and times the Antichrist could come from. The passage directly states he is from a nation that was different from times before, in that it was powerful enough to crush and destroy the entire earth– likely a nuclear superpower. Revelation also speaks of the Antichrist and his prophet having the power to “call down fire from the sky,” which further supports this notion.

Thus, when considering the prophecy in light of the modern world, it most likely leaves Russia or the United States, as both have over 6,000 warheads with remaining nuclear nations having under a few hundred. Furthermore, Revelation 17:15 describes the Antichrist coming from a place where there are “multitudes of peoples, nations, and languages” which would most accurately depict a “melting pot” nation like the United States.

The Antichrist will be a man who is exceptionally arrogant and will be known for giving boastful speeches.

“I could hear his boastful speech…”
Daniel 7:8, Revelation 13:5

So, as you keep your eyes peeled for the Antichrist, be sure to keep in mind that it won’t be a quiet leader who is deceitfully humble and flies under the radar– The Bible says it will be someone who loves to give speeches where he boasts about himself.

The Antichrist will be someone known for making a lot of public threats against people.

“…had a mouth like that of a lion.”
Revelation 13:2, Daniel. 7:4

As we begin to assemble the biblical prophecies, Christians on guard should be looking for a king-like figure who loves to boast about himself, but who also loves to go around roaring like a lion– things like threats to his enemies and a constant verbal flexing of muscle.

The Antichrist will be someone obsessed with winning.

“…and he was bent on conquering.”
Revelation 6:2

In addition to your king-like figure who likes to run his mouth, the Bible tells us to be on the lookout for someone obsessed with winning. Of course, most people like to win, but this figure will be different– he will be so obsessed with it that he’ll probably talk about it all the time. He might even fantasize about winning so much that one gets tired of winning.

The Antichrist will come from among 7 tall “hills” that each act as a “head.”

“And I saw a beast coming out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads, which stood for seven hills”
Revelation 13:1, Ch. 17

John described the Antichrist (beast) “rising up from the sea” as he looked out from the Island of Patmos in a supernatural vision. The Bible describes the beast as having 7 heads, which symbolized 7 “hills” that stood up high. Hills also are metaphorical for places of power in the Bible.

So, if the Antichrist were to come in the present age, we’d be most likely looking for an American president known for being exceptionally arrogant, boastful, and threatening others, but who also came from 7 tall “hills” or places of power… one of which would need to be somewhere in the vicinity of where John was looking out into the ocean where the vision occurred.

Huh… well this is a super weird coincidence:

Seven heads? Maybe like potential head-quarters?

Well, funny thing again: while Donald Trump owns at least ten skyscrapers that I’m aware of, apparently only seven of them are formally named Trump Towers:

Trump Tower, NYC

Trump International Hotel and Tower, Chicago

Trump Towers, Istanbul

Trump International Hotel and Tower, Toronto

Trump World Tower, New York

Trump Towers, Sunny Isles Beach

Trump Tower, Manila 

And this is a little bizarre, but in John’s vision he said that the 7 heads had horns on them– some had just one, some had two… kinda like those antennas on top.

Wow, and you know what? John’s vision also said that the seven heads all had someone’s name written across them. Interesting! 

And let’s not even open the can of worms regarding the building on 5th ave… Yeah, the same deal that was bailed out by Justice Kennedy’s son before Kennedy surprised everyone and retired– giving Trump what had been a swing vote on the Supreme Court. #PowerMove

Bummer of an address Jared! Glad you were able to offload that.

The Antichrist will cause people all over the globe to be filled with wonder and “follow” him.

“The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.”
Revelation. 13:3

This verse also speaks to the likelihood the coming of the Antichrist is more likely to be in the modern world instead of the ancient one. 2,000 years ago it would not have been possible for people all over the globe to become fascinated by a political leader, let alone “follow” them.

Okay, I get it…

Some predictions and prophecies can be like horoscopes: they can appear to apply to anyone.

And I’m with you… when you get into stuff like numerology and interpreting seven-headed beasts, it’s hard to know if something is an eerie coincidence, or just plain silly. 

I’d honestly started this post intending to be silly, and during my research began to find the coincidences and certain numbers happening to match a bit amusing the first few times. But at a certain point the coincidences added up or got too specific, and it wasn’t funny anymore– it was deeply unsettling.

And by the end? Well, stick with me as the prophecies grow more specific, and you’ll see why my mind was a bit blown– and why as a Christian my spirit was deeply unsettled by the the end of it: 

The Antichrist will be a political outsider with despicable character and a contemptuous personality who wins an election that no one expects him to win. 

“… a despicable person will arise… a man of contempt… to whom the royal honor has not been rightfully conferred. He will slip in when least expected and will seize the kingdom through flattery and intrigue.”
Daniel 11:21

When looking to identify the Antichrist, the Bible starts to help us with some really specific prophecies. Based on what the Bible predicts, a most likely scenario for the arrival of the Antichrist would be a candidate for president who came from the private sector (not of ‘royal’ background) being found with despicable morality along with a contemptuous personality, who campaigned on flattery and lies– but somehow went on to win an election no one expected him to win… leaving the country stunned.

The Antichrist will give speeches where he speaks “great things” and then about things that are even “greater.”

“He had a mouth that spoke great things, and that seemed greater than its companions…”
Daniel 7:20

Starting to get weird now, isn’t it? This is about the point I got goosebumps and a little freaked out also.

Yes, in warning us of the Antichrist the Bible predicts in both Daniel and Revelation that when the Antichrist comes, he’ll not only be the contemptuous and arrogant political outsider who pulls an upset in the election– but warns us that he’ll specifically be speaking of “great” and “greater” things along the way.

The Antichrist comes to power through collusion with a secret alliance who uses disinformation to help him win– even though he has a minority number of supporters.

“After an alliance is made with him he will practice deception, and he will go up and gain power with a small force of people.”
Daniel 11:23

So, you know… according to God’s holy and infallible word and all, one of the other major signs to warn us of the arrival of the Antichrist would be an election where someone won with fewer supporters, and where it was also proven that an evil outside power meddled with the process to specifically put that person in office.

But I can’t imagine the country would turn a blind eye if that ever happened, especially for my evangelical friends who tell me we need to always be on guard for the arrival of the Antichrist.

The Antichrist’s rise to power will seem like a miracle that God performed, tricking people into following Satan instead of God without even noticing.

“The arise in power of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie.”
2 Thess. 2:9

Evil is evil, but evil is not stupid… or at least, Satan isn’t. When the time comes to make his power move in the human story, he’ll find a way to not only make evil palatable– he’ll try the ultimate bait and switch by making God himself seem responsible for this evil. What better way to get a hit in, than to do it and make it look like God actually did it?

When the Antichrist comes, be sure to look for powerful religious folk claiming it was a miracle from God: 

“He did everything wrong, politically. He offended gays. He offended women. He offended the military. He offended black people. He offended the Hispanic people. He offended everybody! And he became president of the United States. Only God could do that.”
Franklin Graham
False Prophet

As president, the Antichrist will immediately find ways to make himself and his friends richer– and he will do it in a way no president had ever done before.

“Then he will distribute among his followers the plunder and wealth of the rich—something his predecessors had never done.”
Daniel 11:24

In this verse the Bible continues down the path of helping us get more specific about the rise of the Antichrist so we won’t miss it when we see it: He says that the Antichrist will be unique from all other presidents before him in the way he will be able to use the presidency to instantly get richer and toss lots of money over to his friends.

While all modern presidents are wealthy, and politicians give kick-backs, Daniel indicates something will be different about this president and that he will uniquely profit off the presidency in a way that previous presidents never imagined

This prophecy could likely only be fulfilled if a rich business person were to win a deceptively influenced election, and then serve as president with some sort of business structure that got he and his friends richer and richer just from being president.

If such a thing were to ever occur, you might likely hear a government oversight body state something to the effect of: “The president has turned the government of the United States into a money-making operation for his family, his friends and himself.”

Once in power the Antichrist will reveal that his heart wants to make alterations to the “appointed times” that are in current laws.

“He will try to change the set times and the laws.”
Dan. 7:25

What’s fascinating is that the Bible never tells us he actually succeeds or does change the appointed cycles, but that he expresses wanting to change them. What would it look like to express an interest in changing laws around cycles and appointed times? It would likely be that the Antichrist will want to change elections, skip/delay an election, or extend term limits, etc, thus what the Bible says of “intending to alter laws for appointed times…”

The Antichrist will make fake news popular and will be a chronic liar. His followers will believe his delusions because they hate the truth.

“He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior… He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them.”
Daniel 8:25, 2 Thess 2:10

Daniel 8 and 2nd Thessalonians 2 are incredibly descriptive warnings to help us recognize the Antichrist. Predicting that under his rule “deceit will prosper” warns us to look for someone who calls the truth “fake news” and who is known for constantly lying.

In fact, the Antichrist lies so much that the Bible stops calling him the Antichrist and starts calling him The Liar– using the definite article for effect– as if he begins to personify fake news and lies.


The Antichrist will reward those who are completely loyal with powerful positions and lucrative real estate deals.

“He will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will sell them land at a price.”
Daniel 11:39b

No kidding: the Bible predicts the Antichrist will be someone who negotiates powerful real estate deals with his friends.

The Antichrist is someone in need of constant affirmation, so the Bible predicts he will use his position to surround himself with blind loyalists who honor and submit to him.

To spot the Antichrist as the Bible predicts, look for a president who gives high level positions away on the basis of personal loyalty. While all politics involve a level of this, the Bible calls the Antichrist a worthless shepherd’ so he will likely have a cabinet of leaders in disarray and incompetence, with many being blatantly unqualified or even a bunch of them going to jail.

If that’s not enough to help us identify the Antichrist, the Bible throws us a major bone: He’ll be a president experienced at negotiating land and property deals, and he’ll have access to plenty to buy and sell. 

While some prophecies are general enough to fit certain leaders here and there, thankfully the Bible give us some rather specific clues to also look for– like a rich and arrogant political outsider who happens to be in the business of negotiating land and property deals.

The Bible says that we’ll be able to spot the Antichrist because he will give an arrogant public speech in the middle of his first term where he boasts of “great things” but also uses God’s name as a curse in the same speech.

“And there was given to him a mouth speaking of ‘great things’ and blasphemous words… and he opened his mouth saying terrible things and blasphemed the name of God.” 
Revelation 13:5-6

I mean, if this were to happen all my end-times friends would spot it, wouldn’t they? Revelation 13 very specifically tells us that somewhere in the middle of his first three and a half years in office, the Antichrist will give a very specific and telling speech: he will arrogantly brag of his accomplishments and ‘great’ things, and will also use God’s name in a way considered to be blasphemy.

This would be exceedingly eye-brow-raising for any serious Antichrist hunter, were this to ever happen in a presidential speech… right?

The Antichrist will draw strong support from many Christians as if they are willfully blind and outright delusional.

“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and appear to perform ‘great’ signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, God’s own people. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction…”
Matt. 24:24, 2nd Thess 2:10

Sorry, but I’m old enough to remember when revivals were for God and blasphemy was a serious sin.

The Antichrist will not care about what is legal or constitutional, because the laws of the nation will not apply to him- he will be above the law.

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie…”
2nd Thess 2


2nd Thessalonians calls the coming Antichrist the “lawless one” multiple times. “Lawless” at it’s most basic definition means that the law does not apply.

This seems to indicate that the Antichrist will have no desire or need to obey the laws of his country– somehow, in some way, he will be immune and will know that he can do anything he wants without consequence. 

The Antichrist will spend his first term in office having an ongoing feud with the leadership of the nation on his southern border.

“He will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South…”
Daniel 11:25

Creepy coincidence? The entire Antichrist narrative of Daniel 11 is situated around a conflict along the southern border where the Antichrist is wanting something that the king to his south wont give him. Based on the whole of Antichrist prophecies and the common thread of money and greed, it certainly appears to be money that he wants from the nation to his south…

The Bible predicts that negotiating a deal will be hopeless, as neither side is willing to budge. The Antichrist hates the leadership south of his border and hates his people. Not surprisingly, the Bible says they aren’t big fans of the northern king (v11:27). Scripture tells us that negotiations never get off the ground, as kings to the south don’t want to give the Antichrist anything.

It also says that the Antichrist will go down to the southern border as things heat up– there is a crisis where both sides have troops along the southern border– and that the Antichrist will return home with a large sum of money shortly after. 

Another interesting coincidence: in April 2019 Trump toured the southern border and returned home days later to the Pentagon awarding him $1 billion toward his border wall.

The Bible also says that even though the Antichrist will come home with a large sum of money, that he’s even more furious about things after.

Maybe the money wasn’t enough for what he wanted and didn’t know where the rest would come from? 

The Antichrist will be so angry at the king to his south that he will decide to intentionally inflict harm on that ethnic group in retaliation.

“He will set himself against the people… doing much damage before continuing his journey.”
Daniel 11:28

Yes, you’re tracking with me correctly: the Bible predicts the Antichrist will be an arrogant political outsider who talks about “great” and “greater” things, who wins an election where he has less supporters due to the election being tampered with, who then instantly gets rich off the presidency and spends his time in a feud with the president across from his southern border. 

And yes, the Bible actually says that after negotiations fail at the souther border he decides to get even by intentionally inflicting harm and distress on that ethnic group.

Get ready to have your mind blown with what Zechariah’s prophecy about the coming Antichrist says on this matter, especially in light of what Daniel tells us regarding the Antichrist’s retaliation along the border:

“There will be a leader over the land who will not help the ones who are dying.

He will not go looking for the young who got lost, or care for the children.

He won’t help the ones who are sick or broken, or even give nourishment to the hungry ones who are still healthy.”

– Zechariah 11:16-17

Children being ripped from their parents as a deterrent from crossing into the “northern kingdom,” refugees being locked in cages without adequate care, some dying in our custody, children still missing or given for adoption even though they weren’t orphans?

Yeah, the Bible references the “worthless shepherd” who will do that– AKA: the Antichrist.

Still need a few more warning signs from the Bible as to the identity of the Antichrist? Apparently God doesn’t want us to miss it, because the last few drive it all home:

The Antichrist will be furious over “rumors and reports” that come from the east and north, and will fly into fits of rage as the reports surface. 

“But reports will trouble him from the east and north, and he will set out in a tremendous rage to destroy and wipe out many.”
Daniel 11:44

That’s right: In the middle of the Antichrist’s feud along the southern border he will hear troubling “rumors and reports” that specifically come from the eastern and the northern parts of the country.

The Bible goes on to predict the rumors will “frighten” him and leave him so furious, that he has fits of rage and will want to destroy people over the reports.

The Antichrist will appear to receive a “fatal wound to the head” but the whole world will be amazed he survived.

“And I saw one of his heads that was wounded as if fatal, but it was healed and the world was amazed.” 
Revelation 13:3

In a “literal” sense this verse seems to describe surviving a gunshot to the head, but if viewed metaphorically it could be that the antichrist will be caught up in a scandal that seems like it will end his power, but that somehow he will emerge from it unexpectedly.

If an American president it could perhaps speak to surviving an impeachment attempt, or emerging unscathed from some sort of legal case that everyone things will be the end of him.

The verse speaks of people being amazed he survived, but also seems to indicate this event will either help him gain followers, or at the least will cause his followers to become even more devoted and energized. It seems most likely a metaphor, but if there’s ever a leader who fits this description who actually gets shot in the head and lives & comes into even more power after, I’d run for the hills.

Update July 2024: This is getting a tad bit creepy considering I originally wrote this article in 2019.

The Antichrist will have the nation’s most powerful religious leader influencing the country for him. This leader will try to convince Christians that the Antichrist is “God’s pick” and that we need to support him.

“And then I saw a second beast come from the Earth who looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon… and it deceived the inhabitants of the Earth…” 
Revelation 13:11–12

The Bible predicts the Antichrist will survive the near-fatal wound to his rule, but then goes on to tell us he will need the most powerful religious leader in the country to help him solidify support among the religious in order to stay in power– specifically around the 3 1/2 year mark.

3 1/2 year mark? That’s re-election season. Interesting!

The prophecy describes a political/religious alliance where the most influential religious leader in the country goes around speaking to large crowds, displaying any and all religious credentials he can muster, in order to generate support for the Antichrist rule to last more than just 3/12 years.

During the worst years of his rule, “Christians” will hold the vast majority of power in the land– but they aren’t the good guys.

“When the power of the Holy People has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.”
Daniel 12:7

The Antichrist will come to power and be successful not despite Christians, but because of Christians. They will be his chief supporters, and are also the people God is fighting against behind the scenes. In Daniel’s vision about these evil days, he is told that the end-game of God’s plan is ensuring the power of the “Holy People” is broken.

Who are the ones who claim to be the “Holy People” set apart for and by God? Well… that’d be Christians. 

During these times, there will be an evil ruler in Israel who will wage war and cause cities to become desolate.

“The ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary… war will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.”
Daniel 9:26-27

When it all happens, the Antichrist will have a buddy ruling Israel who is a ruthless war criminal and who flattens entire cities, killing thousands of innocent women, children, and others.

The Antichrist will form an alliance with the ruler of Israel and will desire to occupy the coastal area.

“The invader will do as he pleases; no one will be able to stand against him. He will establish himself in the Beautiful Land, and will have the power to destroy it. He will determine to come with the might of his entire kingdom, and make an alliance… then, he will turn his attention to the coastlands.”
Daniel 11:16-18

The Antichrist will somehow want to enter or occupy the biblical land of Israel, and Daniel predicts that his attention will specifically be on the coastal areas– either Gaza in the south or the area of Haifa in the north.

During the rule of the Antichrist there will be a global pandemic that will kill many people.

“…and many people died from the waters that had become bitter” 
Revelation 8:10

The Bible predicts that during the rule of the Antichrist that there will be a global pandemic where an illness enters the country from a foreign place, spreading in liquid form (cough, sneeze) and ends up killing many, many people in the nation and globally.


During the pandemic the Antichrist will not prioritize the vulnerable.


“”There will be a leader over the land who will not help the ones who are dying.” 
Zechariah 11:6 

When the pandemic hits, be on the lookout for a leader who delays action even though he knows people will die, someone who publicly spreads scientifically false information that could get people killed, and someone who is in far more of a hurry to get back to winning than he is to help the sick and the dying.

During the rule of the Antichrist people will begin having strange and vivid dreams.

“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” 
Acts 2:17

Recently people have begin having strange and vivid dreams all across the country, and scientists have been busy trying to explain why it’s happening. The New York Times reported that the query on Google, “why am i having weird dreams lately” has quadrupled. Even National Geographic has a full article on the spike of people reporting having strange dreams.

During the rule of the Antichrist there will be food shortages and huge spike in food prices, but will be a surplus of oil that remains cheap.

“Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil!” 
Revelation 6:6

The Bible predicts that there will be food shortages that cause a dramatic spike in food prices, while leaving some commodities untouched. 

In March and April of 2020, many Americans had their very first experience walking into a grocery store and finding the shelves completely bare. This period also marked the biggest price increase in American food prices since 1974– at a time when oil was at such a surplus that for a moment, it had a negative price.

During the reign of the Antichrist those who are wise to what is happening will rise up and resist in a period of civil unrest that will get a lot of attention. They will face violence from security forces and receive no help from the Antichrist. 

“Those who are wise will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by the sword or be burned or captured or plundered. When they fall, they will receive a little help, and many who are not sincere will join them.” 
Daniel 11:33

How do we know the time is at hand and the Antichrist is in power?

Well, according to Daniel, look for a period of civil unrest where those who “resist” speak out against the culture of the Antichrist. Protesters will face violence from security forces, some will “fall” and get no help when they do, and their movement will be co-opted by opportunists whose motive is to plunder (loot) but who are not sincerely members of the resistance movement. 

The Antichrist will use his armed forces to remove people from the area surrounding a church and will do something detestable in front of it.

“His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the area surrounding the temple, so that they can set up the abomination that leaves the area empty.” 
Daniel 11:29-33

In ancient times God-followers went to the temple to sacrifice, worship him, and gather together. The Bible tells us that during the rule of the Antichrist there will come a time when churches do not gather like they used to.

It further tells us, both in Daniel and then mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24, that the Antichrist will use the military to clear out the area outside a church until it is empty and desolate. Once the area is cleared, the Antichrist will do something just outside of the church that is an abomination to God.

On June 1, 2020, Donald Trump had federal officers fired teargas (a weapon that is outlawed under the Geneva Convention) and rubber bullets on peaceful protesters in Washington D.C. and make the area desolate so that he could walk to a local church for a staged photo op. It was not a church he attended (he prefers to play golf on Sundays), and the photo op was to help him with conservative religious voters.

What is also interesting is the Bible tells us in the very next verse that after the Antichrist engages in this act in front of the church, he will flatter and compliment Christians who have betrayed their faith to follow him. In an interview after his staged event, Trump said that religious people were happy he did it and mentioned Franklin Graham and Robert Jefress– offering them both flattery.

The pastor of the church was absolutely furious that he would not only do this to peaceful protestors in front of the church, but that he would use their church and a Bible from inside, as a photo op. They even threw a priest off church property in order to do it.


Supporters of the Antichrist will grow to hate those “from the south”, will become violent, and will ultimately stage a rebellion in support of Antichrist- but will fail.

“Those who are violent among your own people will rebel in fulfillment of the vision, but without success.” 
Daniel 11:14

The Antichrist narrative found in Daniel describes a man who absolutely hates those to his south and who is always trying to find ways to harm them– and his followers, AKA, “Christians”, will get fully on board with this hatred. Part way through his rule they will have a violent rebellion that is unsuccessful. 

Furthermore, 1 Timothy 3:2 tells us they will grow to a point where they see “nothing as sacred anymore.”

The Antichrist will do something to ‘put his name above God’, and will be known for saying outlandish things.

“He will exalt and magnify himself above every god, and will say unheard of things.” 
Daniel 11:36

To spot the Antichrist, look for someone who would be so arrogant, so full of self-pride and ego, that he’d do something outlandish– like come out with a new version of the Bible that puts his own name at the very top.

During the rule of Antichrist, there will be a mass disappearance of agricultural workers.

“Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.” 
Matthew 24:40-41

The Bible seems to vividly describe that the Antichrist will rip apart families and that an untold number of people will disappear quickly. It also seems to describe they are individuals specifically out working in a field or producing/harvesting needed products for society. This will cause disruptions in many important industries, and will also result in the destruction of countless family units. 


The Antichrist will see himself as being above everyone else, as if he had no need for God. He will eventually elevate himself as the God and King of Israel

“And he will exalt himself above all… so that he sets himself up in God’s own temple in Israel, proclaiming himself to be God.”
2nd Thess 2:4, Rev 17

However… it’s hard to imagine this actually happening. I don’t know if I’ve ever met a professing Christian who saw themselves as being so flawless or had zero reverence for God. Well, take that back– never mind the admission that he’s “never seen a need” to ask God forgiveness for anything, or saying, “Why should I repent if I haven’t done anything wrong?” just TODAY he did something that seemed unthinkable… 

Here’s Donald Trump, just as the Bible predicts, setting himself up like he’s the God and King of Israel:

Beyond words. This is what Antichrist looks like.

But you know what? He is not the God of Israel. He doesn’t worship or even know the God of Israel.

But are you ready for some Antichrist trolling about 2,600 years in the waiting?

Well, we know the Antichrist hates God and doesn’t worship him– but the Bible *does* actually let us in on a secret and tells us who the Antichrist does worship… and spoiler: it’s not actually Satan.


During the Antichrist’s rule, Christians will act religious but will become cruel and hate what is good.


“In the last days… they will be unloving, unforgiving, they will slander others and have no self-control, they will be cruel and hate what is good… they will act religious but reject the power that could make them godly.”
I Timothy 3

Could you spot the Antichrist? Well, look for a time where Christians become unbelievably cruel– and then look to see who their leader is.

The Antichrist will worship the god of border walls.

For real. The Bible actually says that.

“He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. Instead of them, he will honor a god no one will have heard of before: the god of fortresses. And he will worship this god with a lot of money.”
Daniel 11:37-38

You can’t even make this stuff up– yes, the Bible *actually* says that instead of worshipping the true God, the Antichrist will worship an unknown god of “fortresses.”

What does this word “fortress” literally translate to?

Border walls that secure a city or country, that’s what.

Yes, the Bible says the Antichrist will worship the god of border walls.

Some commentaries argue it’s not even referencing a real deity (though some think it was the ‘god of towers’ like a gate tower), but instead note that it is likely the Antichrist will be so obsessed with a border wall, worshipping it with a lot of money, that it functionally becomes his god.

Yup- trolling from long-since-dead-guys. Priceless!

The Antichrist’s most devoted followers will wear a sign of their allegiance to him on their foreheads.

“And they received a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads…”
Revelation 13

And we all thought it was going to be a barcode or chip….

And the final biblical prophecy on the Antichrist:

… But the people who truly know God and remain faithful, will firmly “resist” him.

With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.
Daniel 11:32

Yup– even the name of our movement is mentioned in the Antichrist narrative.

So in the end, what do I believe theologically on the subject of eschatology after this research project?

I don’t know yet.

But what I do know is this: If the Antichrist comes, I’m not going to be the one guy in the room who doesn’t recognize him.

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Picture of Benjamin L. Corey

Benjamin L. Corey

BLC is an author, speaker, scholar, and global traveler, who holds graduate degrees in Theology & Intercultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell, and earned his doctorate in Intercultural Studies from Fuller.

He is the author of Unafraid: Moving Beyond Fear-Based Faith, and Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus.

It's not the end of the world, but it's pretty #@&% close. Trump's America & Franklin Graham's Christianity must be resisted.

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9,736 Responses

  1. And the North … Canadians are not saying nice things about him right now. No wonder the guy won and we can't get rid of him, he is meant to be here and end the world.

    1. Well, Elon Musk wants to put the US Treasury on a blockchain. That would enable visibility and control over where treasury funds go. Wouldn't be too far of a stretch to demand oaths of loyalty to MAGA in order to receive treasury payments. They're already asking for loyalty to MAGA on job descriptions for federal positions.

        1. What about requiring oaths of loyalty to receive Treasury payments? Also, oaths of loyalty have never been part of hiring political appointments.

          Would you be okay if the country became a fascist autocracy, as long as they didn't come after you?

          1. Oaths to defend the Constitution have always been a part of taking office or enlisting or getting commissioned as an officer, which includes following lawful orders form the President and those appointed under him.

  2. I think the poisoning of the waters might be a dirty bomb that strikes the coast of NY/NJ. The source of those drones going out and looking already. I also think the "mark" will be a National ID card that Trump will usher in. He is ALREADY demanding that California require ID cards for voting. I think he will use terror attacks to demand a very strict ID card without which you will (at a growing number of places) not be able to buy or sell. Amazon will of course instantly require it, as will Whole Foods (owned by Amazon) and major chains will require them as well. Trump said years ago that the US dollar was too strong and needed to be weakened for trade. Less places will accept cash and will require digital and digital ID. I jokingly laughed at the fact that Amazon's Whole Foods is ALREADY offering hand scanner tech that you can sign up and scan your hand and when you shop there you don't need money. THAT will be much easier than requiring people to have physical cards to buy or sell. At least that could be the slippery slope to the mark of the beast.

    I also think that where it speaks about the stars falling from the sky that it could be satellites (Musk's?) falling to earth.

      1. MAGA's are so protective of their antichrist. Repent? How? By cutting assistance to the poor? By hating the very people that the Statue of Liberty plaque welcomes? The people who in his time Jesus loved and accepted? Repent of idolatry and hating the Least of These. Trump's first term was a trainwreck. His businesses and products all fail. He is a convicted felon. Times have changed but religious people will still choose Barabbas over Jesus.

          1. Respectfully, I wonder if you know what hatred or repentance are. The blind are those who rejected Jesus and followed false leaders. 2000 years later it is happening again. The only hater to speak of here is Trump who is racist, sexist, homophobic and anti-poor. He is nothing like Jesus. Nothing. Anyone who isn't addicted to worshiping narcissistic leaders should be able to see it. I am done commenting on your comments to my comment.

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    1. https://reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/1hv2a6z/elon_is_unclean_confirmed/

      The link shows a screenshot of one of Musk's Kekius Maximus posts (that frog guy dressed as a Roman soldier), and then quotes Revelation 16:13-14

      Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
      They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.

      And to add my own interpretation: Musk is currently trying to chime in to the elections in Germany and to get a new election in the UK. Not to mention whatever he has said on the secret calls to world leaders with Trump. Can that not be seen as sending to the "kings of the whole world"?

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  8. Whatever the reasons, most seafaring cultures have sea monster myths or folktales. For example, Scylla and Charybdis — dangerous creatures made famous in Homer’s “Odyssey” — might have been primarily based on real seafaring dangers that sailors confronted in the Straits of Messina. However admitting the possibility that we haven’t seen all that nature has up her watery sleeve shouldn’t be the identical as conceding the existence of creatures that defy the legal guidelines of physics, chemistry and biology. A few of them need to have more than 2 kids. 1892 guide by professor A. C. Oudemans, describes greater than 200 experiences of unknown sea creatures. Similarly, different fabled sea monsters could merely be fish stories — misremembered or embellished tales of actual encounters, both with residing creatures at sea or badly deformed and bloated corpses washed up on shore. However does that mean that there isn’t any room in the scientific imagination for actual sea monsters?

    On a smaller scale, sea monsters may assume the type of harmful, often enthralling, mer-humans or animals. Other deities, like the Greek sea god Poseidon, used monsters of the deep to visit their wrath upon mortal fleets and coastal cities. We all know, too, that some creatures that resemble sea monsters, such an enormous squid and oarfish, spend most of their lives in deep or deep-ish waters, getting into the shallows or washing ashore solely when sick or dying. And then there’s the oarfish, a long, eel-like fish with a pink, bristly head crest and long, spiny dorsal fin. The creature — which is named after the Latin phrase for whale however is normally depicted as having paws, a doglike head and a curling fish tail — rampaged via the kingdom until the royal couple supplied the daughter, Andromeda, as a sacrifice. Myths and religions additionally named specific sea monsters. Sailors might have seen sea serpents in porpoises swimming in a rippling line, in large plenty of seaweed or in 30- to 46-foot (9- to 14-meter) basking shark.

    After scenes that foreshadowed the Xianfeng period (1853), with a whole lot of individuals executed for forgery, the big Qian Yuan coins had been devalued to 30 money. Its snout was long and sharp, and it blew water almost like a whale; it has large broad paws; its physique was covered with scales; its pores and skin was tough and uneven; in other respects it was as a serpent; and when it dived, its tail, which was raised in the air, appeared to [url=http://www.sbwire.com/press-releases/qpid-network-sites-release-new-chnlovecom-happiness-album-384506.htm]chnlove.com[/url] be an entire ship’s size from its physique. Legend says it measured greater than 1.5 miles (2.5 kilometers) throughout and sported arms the dimensions of ship’s masts. Furthermore, it will possibly hardly be coincidental that, the more we all know concerning the ocean and its inhabitants, the less frequent sea monster sightings change into. The open ocean is a terrifying, humbling place, and historic sailors faced a tenuous existence; it was pure to imagine what threats or treasures may dwell, unseen, beneath the surface. American Museum of Pure Historical past. However, in Native American tales, the enormous water creatures known as unktehila characterize the world’s evils and must be defeated by the Wakinyan, or Thunder Beings. On the one hand, we still uncover unusual new sea fauna over time, and by some estimates as much as 95 percent of the ocean’s lowest depths stay unexplored.

    The Loch Ness Monster, which Scots probably as soon as imagined as a sea serpent or kelpie, took on a way more plesiosaur-like type after scientists began studying and publicizing dinosaur discoveries. The appliance of scientific archaeology to Chinese sites started in 1921, when Johan Gunnar Andersson first excavated the Yangshao Village sites in Henan. What’s the traditional Chinese dating tradition like? Chinese language Online Dating – What Makes Chinese language Brides so In style? Kiln expertise has always been a key factor in the event of Chinese pottery. Even though Chinese women aren’t as jealous and passionate as Latin brides, it remains to be sort of rude to tell your present date about your previous relationships. Its all-black appearance and lengthy, wispy tendrils make this plant certainly one of a kind. Vegetables are usually grouped in accordance with the portion of the plant that is eaten. The 3 provinces are aiming to offer assist for victims.

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  13. So much hateful speech from the Right side of the aisle about immigrants, and Muslims, and Jews, and LGBTQ people, and even Democrats.
    Donald Trump CANNOT be a person of God, or a leader of Christians because he is dividing our country, and the world, with his hateful speech!
    When someone asked Jesus what was the most important commandment; he didn't say "Thou shall not kill", or don't be a homosexual. Remember, the question was asked in the singular; 1 commandment. But Jesus answered with 2. Love God. Yes, of course. But he felt need to give another because it was so important! Love your neighbor. He went on to say that with Love everything else will fall into place.
    Can we look at the way Donald Trump is leading this country and say he is leading with that thought in mind?

  14. Musk has inserted himself into the picture.

    Neuralink is making technology to perform great miracles*
    Including giving sight to the blind, and eventually hopes to return motor skills and speech to those who have lost them, and they're already making thought to computer interfaces.

    x.com is in the (very rushed I might add) process of becoming a financial institution. I imagine it's rushed because there's money to be made while Musk is in government (department of government efficiency) – wouldn't it make it so much more efficient if everyone has to use x.com to buy and sell?

    I'm an atheist, but just some food for thought.

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  17. This actually makes a great amount of sense. I just couldn't understand why so called Christians would support him so fervently, like with more energy then they give at church. I have NEVER liked Trump even before I started paying attention to him. This is an oddity for me as I tend to give people chances to win me over and has been something I was just pondering about not one hour before finding this post.
    Glad for finding this post. I am going to share it with my family, its about the only thing I can do to try and perhaps sway some that might be voting for him. Some won't listen I am sure, I don't talk very well in real life and my memory leaves much to be desired and I am just about the only one who hasn't gone to college.

  18. Link exchange is nothing else however it is simply placing the other person’s blog link on your
    page at proper place and other person will also do same in support of you.

  19. Interesting to note that your assessment has the false prophet as being Franklin Graham… when it might actually be Elon Musk (considering America's true religion is money).

    Richest man in the world with 200 million followers on twitter. He's been viciously using that site to turn America into a more hateful and deceitful country. And he's doing all he can to try to get Trump re-elected.

    God forbid these men actually succeed.

  20. You probably did it. You ended your unhealthy relationship. Instead of bargaining, attempt to rationalise the scenario and explore why the relationship didn’t work out in some elements. Long-distance relationships are even harder to keep up, and the explanation why they will fail are numerous. Heart matters more to me than height. The researchers purpose to uncover key information about how people make choices and the way they will potentially choose more suitable companions in the primary place. As you’re employed on your self and your individual progress, you’ll naturally entice companions who’re appropriate along with your genuine self. The Relationship Dimension program is an Interactive occasion focused at people who find themselves 18 years and above with the intention of bringing about a renewed discovery about building relationship at all ranges and fostering family life. You will see totally different sorts of relationships which individuals share with each other and one kind is the spiritual relationship.

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    This suitor (who happens to have the same title because the final guy) and i met when he sent me an email by way of a web-based courting site. So if a site seems good, and the reviews you see are largely optimistic, be ready to pay a price. He says we should see how the roads develop all through the day. As I drive 5 mph (no kidding) by way of the neighborhood, I’m hoping the principle roads look better. I’m already pissed off and annoyed the roads had been so dangerous, it took me so lengthy to get here, and i went against my higher judgment to fulfill him. The factor that saved me from getting excited, as a result of by what he was saying before the date (I’m beautiful, he needs to get married and have youngsters, that he is excited to fulfill me, that this could possibly be one thing really great) I should’ve been excited. The factor that wasn’t sitting fairly right with me. That thing that he actually wanted to ask or say. Because who is admittedly that tacky, classless, or tasteless to really say that? After which onto meeting the real potential on-line courting companions who you need in your life.

    You never know who turns out to be an impostor. In the second textual content there are some phrases it’s essential know that will help create a bond between you. You want not spend an excessive amount of time happening blind dates and spending too much. Many of these additionally log keystrokes to document passwords, often avoiding the need to crack the keys. I’m going outside to start my automobile and see the snow piled all around the entrance of it. So I determined to do this tactic, as a result of at this point, I’m prepared to attempt just about anything to see if it works. They will not see how thrilled or hesitant you might be. This will make your on the internet communication much easier and extra nice. How mature they are, how decisive, how sensible, how [url=https://twitter.com/LatamDate]latamdate scam[/url] exhausting working and much more. He meets me on the entrance door, and we sit in the bar space (why do guys like to sit within the bar area so much?). Why am I no more excited?

    This was a red flag for me, and that i knew right then it was a rip-off, which may be why I’m hesitant to discontinue emailing so quickly now. As well as, people might current otherwise in particular person or change over time. A good friend instructed me next time to not talk with the guy so much. A pair days later, we discuss briefly on the phone. Can cellphone calls and emails truly build a sustaining future relationship? I hold my composure, and we get off the telephone. So, on this write-up we’ll talk about senior courting websites and discover out some senior on-line relationship ideas that can assist you get started off and attain your intention of discovering a mate with out acquiring your self into numerous scams. It will significantly increase you relationship probabilities. With online relationship providers it is vitally straightforward to bow out of a relationship without dealing with any real consequences. Every relationship needs to weigh the pros and cons of remaining buddies. Even should you suppose the cons outweigh the pros, it’s good to alter up the 2-person dynamic.

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